What if you rubbed beneficial substances into your body during an hour-long massage session? Wanting to go a step further than others, we created the CBD hemp oil massage.
It is our proprietary composition combining powerful, slow and deep relaxation techniques. It brilliantly integrates the body and psyche, using all the therapeutic knowledge and health-promoting properties of CBD oil.
Massage available in two options: back, neck, face or whole body.
Intensity: relaxing, in-depth.
This massage is good when:
- tensions are running high
- you have skin problems
- you observe dermatological psychosomatic symptoms in yourself
- you feel unable to contain your tension
- you're about to explode or you don't fit in
- you simply want to try something new
- nourishes and regenerates the skin
- reduces/eliminates inflammation
- effectively regulates sebum at the hormonal level
- affects pain receptors
- soothes particularly sensitive, atopic and psoriatic skin
- regenerates the nervous system