All people struggling with the problem of bruxism, i.e. habitual, stress-induced jaw clenching, are very familiar with migraines, headaches and neck pain. Painkillers only work for a short while without removing the cause, and classic massage, although it can bring relief, is unable to get to the root of these difficulties.
The masseters are strong, highly innervated muscles that set our jaw in motion. When long-standing bruxism leads to hypertrophy of the masseters, transbouchal therapy, or intra-mouth massages, comes to the rescue. These techniques allow us to reach the deepest layers of the muscle effectively relaxing it.
The therapy provides relief for people undergoing orthodontic treatment, dental treatment, people with bruxism, tension jaw, high muscle tension in the face, neck and neck. It is recommended during Zoga, Kobido or Facemodelling for better aesthetic results.